Faith Church is a Community of Jesus Followers on Mission with Good News.
On Sunday Mornings, our church gathers for a time of praise, preaching, and prayer. We call this our worship service. It is our time of coming together, stepping out of our busy lives, away from our mission field, our workplace and our normal everyday environments. We come from many different backgrounds and families, but we come together with one voice, one heart and one mind to be with God and to be His gathered people.
You are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am.
We are located at 345 Fairview Ave, St. Thomas.
You will hear and sing songs that help you understand and experience God and hear messages from the Bible that help us discover what God wants to say to you, His church and to His world.
When you arrive on Sunday Mornings you will be greeted by our host team. Feel free to visit the welcome desk, and we will have a small gift for you to say thanks for coming! We can help you find a seat, point you towards the kids check in desk or answer any questions you may have.
Our talented worship team will lead everyone in a few songs throughout the morning. The band and tech team carefully select each song to help us understand and experience closeness with God as we come to Him in worship.
Our Lead Pastor and preaching team are passionate about sharing truth from God's word. We open our bibles, learn and grow together each week.
A few times a year, we celebrate with a special gathering that we call Life Sunday.
This special event is a time when we make a lot of noise and joyfully tell the story about what the living God is doing in and through our church family. It's kind of like a family reunion, and everyone is in on it - all but the youngest kids stay with us for the party, and it's a lot of fun!
We have baptisms, hear stories of life change, learn about missional activity in our city, celebrate with parents of young children as they dedicate them to God, welcome new members to our big church family and remind ourselves why we exist. We reflect on our role in being a vital part of Be. Love. Serve. Repeat. in our community.
Baptism is an outward expression of what you have already decided in your heart. Faith Church only practices believer’s baptism by immersion.
We believe that from a study of the New Testament, baptism by immersion following one’s salvation was the accepted practice and is done in the name of the 'Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit'
Child dedication is the act of giving back to God the gift He has given to you. It is an act of worship, thanksgiving, dependence, trust and commitment. It is an opportunity to make a public commitment to raise your child with biblical principles and for the church to rally together in practical support throughout your child's life.
Church membership means that we are diverse, but we still work together. If one part of the body isn’t functioning well the whole body suffers, and likewise when one member is honoured we all rejoice (1 Corinthians 12:26).
Every member in a church has a function and
role to play with their varying gifts and abilities.
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